Monoglossic Policies
for a Heteroglossic School
ideologies of bilingualism and bilingual education treat each of the child’s
languages as separate and whole, and view the two languages as bounded
autonomous systems. […] A heteroglossic ideology of bilingualism considers
multiple language practices in interrelationship, and leads to other
constructions of bilingual education […].” (García 2009:7)
C.E.I.P. Sant
Julià presents itself as a multilingual school. However, it organises the
teaching of languages a bit different for each language they offer. For
instance, in pre-school and primary both teachers and students use Catalan (most
of the time) inside the classroom given the fact the majority of the
students have Spanish as their L1. This way, they reinforce the usage of Catalan
for class communication (obviously, Spanish is the vehicular language only when
it is the target language). In classrooms where certain students do not have
Spanish as an L1 (or just have few notions of it), but instead have Arabic,
Chinese or other foreign languages as their L1, it is sometimes likely to hear
different languages coming together for class interaction. Therefore, having in
mind García’s reflection on bilingual ideologies, we could argue that this particular school seems
to have a tendency for a monolingual approach while in their classes many
heteroglossic situations have a propensity to occur. Not only have we found
this with Spanish and Catalan cases but also with English as the target language.
At the very early stages of the students’ learning process, when students are
still getting used to this L3, it is probable to find a combination of
languages from Catalan, to Spanish and a bit of English. Nevertheless, it is
important to mention that when English is the target language teachers follow
the rule of “only English in class”.
As mentioned in the first entry of the blog,
they start learning English at the age of 4 through oral and visual techniques,
such as, learning songs by heart, repetition of words/expressions, mimics, and
storytelling. All in all, they follow a
highly communicative approach. At the age of 10, the school offers a
combination of learning an L3 through explicit language instruction and content
and language integration (CLIL) in which students learn Science in English. These particular Science classrooms clearly
follow a plurilingual approach, since we are likely to find three different
languages as means of communication (Catalan, Spanish and maybe English).
Summing up, this school supports a
heteroglossic/developmental immersion as their bilingual programme. They are
aware that their students will develop L1 and L2 inside class and they offer an
L3 with the intention of becoming multilingual. On the other hand, I personally
think in practice they have a monolingual approach. It is clear they have mixed feelings when
trying to bring together all three languages into the teaching context. But since they want to be seen as multilingual
and they have different cultures and students, teachers need to change their
rules of “only English” and should use all three languages to teach the target
language. I think teachers and the school itself should exploit these multilingual
situations in class and make it part of their L3 learning process.
*Sources: (García,
Ofelia. 2009. “Introducing bilingual education”. Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective, 5-17)
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